Sunday school activites - April 3, 2022

Modified from resources provided by: The UCC GO Project 2022

Theme Discussion 

In our worship service this morning we heard a story about an extravagant gift that Mary gave to Jesus. It was an unexpected way that Mary showed just how much love she had for him. There are many stories in the Bible about ways that God shows us love. Often they are not stories about God directly, but about other people showing that love in a way that seems unexpected. One of those stories is the one Jesus tells about the Lost Sheep. You can watch it here:

Going deeper with the story

Jesus shares with us a vision of a great community of people where everyone is welcome, where God loves each and every person – even people who have made mistakes! God celebrates when people who have made mistakes admit them and work to do good things instead. This is cause for great rejoicing among all of God’s people. To rest in God’s presence is not only to find love, peace, delight, and hope. It is also to experience the overwhelming joy of people gathered together in the life-giving presence of God. This is what we experience in the resurrection of Jesus at Easter when God reveals that there is always new life in the midst of hardship.


I wonder if you can imagine the lost sheep being found. Can you name that sheep?

I wonder if you have ever felt like you were lost? What was it like to be found?

I wonder if there are people in your life who have helped to “find” you?

I wonder what other things God celebrates in our life?

I wonder how we can experience the loving presence of God in our everyday life?


Response Activity Ideas

Lenten Toolbox: Oil

This week, add a small bottle of moisturizer to your toolbox!  If you don’t have one, fill a small container with cooking oil (olive, coconut, etc.) and include that instead.  When you need a self-care moment, take a small amount of lotion or oil and gently and mindfully massage your hands (or feet).  Think with gratitude about the work your hands (or feet) do for you day after day.


Materials: postcards, notecards or cardstock cut to 4x6 or 5x7, markers, stickers and writing supplies, stamps.

God loves each and every person and we are called to share love and connection with all of God's creation! Everyone loves to receive a card or letter in the mail. Sending love via a card or letter is a great way to remind someone they are loved.  Use a pre-made postcard, or make a beautiful design or picture to decorate the front.  Write a brief message, then fill in the address, stamp it, and send it off!

Shepherd Detective Game (young children)

In this activity, everyone else leaves the room while a stuffed sheep (or other toy) is hidden. They are then called back in and race to find the missing sheep. Whoever finds it first gets to hide it for the next round.

As you play, think about God’s deep love of all people and how excited God is to find a person who was lost. Think about how energized you were to search for the missing sheep — God is just as excited!

The Lost Sheep Puzzle Activity (older children)

Materials: Puzzle (This activity is best if it can be prepared ahead of time, by removing one piece from the puzzle, unseen by the kids/youth, and hiding it somewhere in the room) 

Work together to complete the puzzle. Once it becomes clear that one piece missing, work together to go and find it — and celebrate when it is returned!

This activity reinforces the fact that everyone matters in God’s love. All of us together make a rich community and we must support one another. We celebrate when we are all together, and that we are all needed.