Sunday school activities - January 30, 2022

Theme Discussion

This is the second week of our Stewardship Campaign at BCUC and the big word I want you to think about is the word “volunteer”. What comes to mind when you think of this word?  Have you heard of this word before? I’m sure many of you have.

A volunteer is someone who offers to help or to work without pay. That person simply gives his or her time and talent in doing a task without expecting monetary payment. There are many places that need volunteers. Schools, hospitals, libraries, homes and churches are some examples of those places that need volunteers. Can you name other places that need volunteers?

Have you ever volunteered at all? What did you do? How did you feel about it?

The home is an ideal place to volunteer. Maybe your mom or your dad asked your help at home like taking out the trash or walking your pet dog. You can be a good volunteer by playing with your younger siblings or by cleaning your room. What other ways can you volunteer at home?

Why do you think people volunteer? For one, I think it makes someone feel good. There’s that sense of satisfaction and pride of helping others and making the work done without getting paid. By sharing your time, talents and treasures as a volunteer also strengthens the family, the community and the world.

In our church, we need many volunteers to help the ministers, the music director and the office administrators because they couldn’t possibly do all the work themselves. Someone has to look after the church building. Someone has to help teach in Sunday School. Someone has to look after the finances. Someone has to tend the church garden. Someone has to help at worship service. Someone has to help raise funds. There are many ways in which volunteers are in demand at church. Can you think of other reasons why people volunteer?

But the most important thing to remember is this: Jesus taught us to love one another; to offer care and share what we have. Jesus himself volunteered his time, his talents and his resources in helping those in need. Jesus showed us how to be a good Christian volunteer.

And yes, volunteers make a difference in the world! That is something we need to be thankful for!

Response Activity Ideas

Video inspiration of kids and young adults volunteering in their communities

Little girls giving to people experiencing homelessness:

Girl volunteers at a senior’s centre:

Why communities need volunteers:

Invent a new non-profit organization

(Modified from:

Try using your imagination to solve a problem or meet a need in your school community or anywhere in the world!  Maybe you love animals and want to start a shelter, or you want to plant trees in your neigbourhood, or maybe you want to raise money for kids who are in the hospital with serious illnesses.  There are many issues in our world that could use caring support!

Invent your own company where the primary goal is helping others or the community, not to make profits (money) for itself – a non-profit organization.  Make an information page about it sharing these ideas:

  1. What problem do you want to solve? Or what benefit does it offer to people, animals, or the community?

  2. What will you name your organization?

  3. What would you need volunteers to do for you? (making posters, gathering materials, collecting donations, etc?)

  4. What events would you do to raise money? (bake sale, dance-a-thon, cake raffle, etc?)

  5. How do you feel about this work that you are doing on behalf of others?  (include a ‘quote’ from you, the CEO!)

Volunteer Colouring Sheet

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