Sunday school activities - January 23, 2022

Theme Discussion

In our church service today, we began our annual Stewardship Campaign. This is a time when we find ways to thank God for all the blessings in our lives by giving back a portion of those blessings to God by being a blessing to others.

When you look around the congregation at BCUC, it’s pretty obvious that we have a lot of blessings! Everyone has a place to live, food to eat, and proper clothes for the weather. The children are all able to go to school and it is safe to play in our neighbourhoods. We know that this is not all the same for many people in the world. It’s not even the same for many people right here in Ottawa. So, as a faith community, we are asked to share some of the wonderful things we have to make others’ lives better.

God wants us to enjoy the blessings we have. We aren’t asked to give everything away, just to share a bit with others. Sometimes that thing we share is money, sometimes it’s time, and other times it might be our skills or talents. Taking care of the world and the people around us is part of loving creation and of loving our neighbour. To offer this kind of care takes all three things – time, talents, and treasures. During our Stewardship campaign we look at the blessings or gifts we have been given and we think about ways we can use those things to make the world a better place.

Have you ever thought about how you can make the world better by sharing your time? You might do this by helping with some chores around the house to save Mom and Dad some time for themselves… or by entertaining your little brother or sister by playing a game with them or reading a story. What are some ways you can use your time this week to help others?

What about sharing your talents? Think about the things you are good at. If you are good at drawing, you might make a card for someone who needs cheering up; if music is your talent, maybe you could sing in a choir or play your instrument for someone; if you are great at organizing, maybe you can help sort the laundry or tidy a cupboard… Think about the talents you have. How can you use them to make the world a little better?

Of course, the other thing we can share is our treasures. This might mean sharing some of your things or it can mean sharing your money. You might get an allowance, maybe you get paid for doing a job for someone, or maybe your grandparents send you money for your birthday. Remember, God doesn’t expect you to give it all away (and your grandparents want you to enjoy the gift too)! But what if you just put aside a little bit of the money you receive to donate to the church or to a special cause? What treasures do you have that you can share? Where can you share them that will make the world a little better for someone?

Sharing is caring – and that’s good stewardship!

Response Activity Ideas

My Helping Hand

Trace your hand on a piece of white paper and cut it out.  On each finger, write a helpful way you could use your hands in stewardship.  Colour and draw designs or images representing the ideas on each finger. “Helping Hands” or something similar could be written in the palm. Fill the rest of the hand in with images and words that represent your gifts and talents, and other ways you can contribute to God’s world.

Church of Many Talents

Make an envelope church and fill it with helpful craft stick people.

Materials: paper, envelope, craft sticks, colouring tools (optional: googly eyes, fabric pieces)

Use markers to colour five (or more!) sticks to look like people, adding googly eyes, and/or fabric ‘clothing’ if desired. On the back, label each stick with a strength, talent or gift of people who help do the work of our church (speaking, singing, baking, teaching, tech. support, cleaning, organizing, website designing, praying, etc.) Be sure to include a person representing YOU, labelled with your gifts to share!

Glue an envelope onto a piece of paper with the triangular flap pasted upward, and the pocket still accessible.  This is the “church”. Add a cross at the peak of the church roof and decorate. Insert the craft stick people and write a caption, such as, “It takes many talents to make a church.” Tuck your people into the church!

BCUC Time and Talents

Check out this year’s Time and Talent form (PDF). In this week’s Storytime part of the service, Rev. Lorrie made some suggestions of things on this list that would be perfect for people your age to get involved with!  Have a look on the list and see if there is something there that you could do to contribute.  Maybe you have another idea no one has thought of yet?! Write down what you want to do or circle the ideas on the form.  Encourage your family to return the form indicating your interest in participating.  Next – make a plan to follow through with your great ideas!