Sunday school activities - February 21, 2021

Theme Discussion

Today’s Bible story is one we heard just after Christmas. It’s about the time that Jesus went to be baptized in the River Jordan by John. If you remember, Jesus went down under the water and when he came up again, the sky split open and the Spirit descended on him like a dove. He heard a voice saying, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” And then the story says the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness for forty days where he was tempted by Satan. This is the part we want to talk about today.

Have you ever been given a job that scared you a bit? Maybe it was a special job that you were honoured to be given - but it was something you had never done before and you were a bit nervous about whether you could really handle it. Maybe it was the first time your Mom sent you to the store by yourself to get some things for her… Perhaps someone asked you to take care of their pet when they went away… 

Jesus knew at his baptism that God had given him a huge job to do! I’m sure he wanted to do it but I’m also sure it was a pretty scary proposition. We think of that time in the wilderness as a time when Jesus was struggling to figure out just how he could answer God’s call. It might have been easier to just do part of it. It might have been easier to just tell everybody that he was God’s son so they had to listen to him. It might have been easier to just ask God to make some kind of a big show that would shock the people into being better. But God really wanted Jesus to be an example of how a human person really could make a difference in the world. And Jesus decided - after struggling with the ideas for 40 days - that he would put his whole life into doing what he was asked. (Just like in the Hokey Pokey, it’s better when you put your whole self in!)

We talk a lot at church about how we can be good followers of Jesus. Sometimes that’s easy, but sometimes it’s really hard! Can you think of some times when it’s difficult and how you might find a way to still do the job?

  • It’s easy to be nice to someone you like. What about when it’s someone you don’t like very much?

  • It’s not hard to be kind to others when you’re in a good mood. What about when you’re feeling grumpy?

  • It’s easy to share with someone who shares with you. What about when they seem to be greedy?

What are some things you can do to help you remember to be a good follower of Jesus ALL the time? (Tie a string around your finger? Prayer? …)

Response Activity Ideas

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Whole Self In

Draw a picture of yourself in the centre of a piece of paper, or colour in the template.  Next, add labels to the person describing how you might use the different parts of your body to do God’s work in the world following Jesus’ example (e.g. hands: pick up trash, mouth: say kind words, etc.).

Lenten Goals

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Jesus took 40 days to focus himself on what God was asking him to do.  Now we set aside 40 days+ leading up to Easter to focus ourselves on God’s message, too.  As Lorrie mentioned in her Children’s Story this morning, some traditions focus on giving things up for Lent, but others instead look for ways to BE giving and do the work Jesus set out to do. On this first Sunday in Lent, set yourself some goals for things you want to do and be in order to try to follow Jesus’ lead.  Finish the sentence starters in each box on the print-out with ways you can be a more loving and giving person, or create your own goals on a separate paper. Post the page on your fridge or another place where you will see it each day.  Consider adding stickers to decorate the poster as you work towards or meet your goals!

Illustrated Ministry Lenten Package – Week One – Invisible Treasures

Read the Activity Story on pg. 19.  Talk about what some of the invisible treasures you and your family have.  Use the activity page (pg. 21) to record invisible treasures you use this week!

(If you have not yet received a Lenten package in your mailbox but would like one, please contact the church office.)