Sunday school activities - November 21, 2021

Theme Discussion

Did you know that this Sunday is like New Year’s Eve in the church? The new church year starts next Sunday with Advent!

You may have noticed that the decorations in the sanctuary change colour throughout the year. Have you ever wondered why? These colours are all beautiful but each one is chosen for a reason. The colour of the banner behind the communion table, the table cloth, and the banners in front of the pulpit and lectern – and even the colours that Rev. Kim and Rev. Lorrie wear - follow the pattern of the church calendar and change with each season.

Liturgical calendar

Here’s how it goes from now to the end of 2022:

Advent starts next Sunday and we will see the church decked out in BLUE for the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. (Some churches will use PURPLE, either one is right). This is the time we prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas. (November 28 - December 24)

On Christmas Day, it will change to WHITE to celebrate that birth, and stay that way for just a short time, for the season of Epiphany. Usually, we think of Epiphany as the time when the Magi visit the baby Jesus.  (December 25 – January 6)

Then we move into Ordinary Time, a time for learning about Jesus’ life and his teachings. It starts with the Baptism of Jesus Sunday (January 9) and the colour will be GREEN, all the way to March 1.

March 2 is Ash Wednesday and that marks the beginning of Lent. This is a season when we think about the time leading up to the death of Jesus and the colour for this season is PURPLE (except for Good Friday, when the only colour in the sanctuary is BLACK). This is usually a serious and sombre time. We “put away” the Hallelujahs for this season. It is a time for reflection. (March 2 - April 16)

Then, on Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus is alive in the world by changing the colour to a nice, bright WHITE again and we sing lots of hallelujahs! (April 17 - June 4)

The day that the Holy Spirit came to the disciples of Jesus is called Pentecost and the colour we us on that day is RED to represent the image of the “tongues of fire” from that story. (June 5)

The next day, we change the colour to GREEN because it is Ordinary Time again. (June 6 - September 10)

The next colour change happens on Thanksgiving Sunday. This is the beginning of Creation Time and is a bright, beautiful ORANGE – perfect for Fall! Orange Shirt Day happens in this season too! (September 11 – October 9)

And then it’s back to GREEN once more, the colour for Ordinary Time. We also think of this as a “saints time” because it includes Peace Sunday, All Saints Day, and Remembrance Sunday, all times when we think of people who do amazing things in the world. (October 10 – November 20)

And then the cycle will begin again!

1.     Do you think it’s a good idea to change the colours in the sanctuary as the church seasons change?

2.     Do you think the colours represent the seasons of the church well? Are there any you would change if it was up to you? Why?

3.     What is your favourite season in the church? Why?

Response Activity Ideas

Church Year Calendar

Print out the pie chart divided up for all the different ‘seasons’ of the church year.  Colour and decorate it following the example and explanation in the theme discussion.  If you can, mark and label other important church days like Palm Sunday, Remembrance Sunday, or the Baptism of Jesus, etc.

Seasons of the Church Year

Click to print PDF

Design Antependia

Ante-what??!  Antependia are the decorative cloths and hangings that go on a communion table and hang from the pulpit or lectern.  At BCUC, there are special antependia for each of the seasons, some of them handmade by people in our congregation! 

Pick one of your favourite seasons in the church year and create your own decorative hanging for the pulpit on paper.  Think about the important colour for that season and use it a lot in your design or as the background.  What other symbols might you include to represent the meaning of the season or highlight the important days that take place during that time?

Christian Year Poem or Song

The CGS and Bell Canto Singers know a “Christian Year Chant” that they sing from time to time as a warm-up, rhythm game, and to remember the church seasons!  It goes like this:

Celebrate the seasons!
Celebrate the seasons!
Advent, Christmas,
Epiphany, Lent,
Easter, (Hallelujah!)
And a Pentecost event.
Christian Year!
Christian Year!

It is missing the Season of Creation Time, though!  Can you write a new little poem or rhyme to help remember the seasons in order?  You could try using the tune from a song like Twinkle Twinkle or The Ants Go Marching or something to give you a melody and rhythm to follow.  Share it with Erin or a CGS/Bell Canto choir member if you come up with something fun!