Sunday school activities - November 14, 2021

Theme Discussion

Did you get a chance to hear the story “Ordinary Mary’s Extrodinary Deed” read during today’s church service?  If not, check it out here:

Isn’t it amazing how one small action led to so many kind deeds?  Some people call this the ripple effect or a domino effect. 

Try setting up dominoes or books with 1 in front, then 2, then 3, etc.  Give a push and watch how one domino or book can have a huge chain reaction! 

Try fill a large baking dish or tray with water, then gathering an assortment of items that could be dropped in (stone, potato, button, paperclip, etc.).  Drop the items in, one at a time.  Do small items make waves just like little objects?  Small acts can have big results!

How is Jesus like the first domino or object dropped into to water?

What can you do to start a chain reaction in your family or circle of friends?

Response Activities

Random Acts of Kindness

Pick some ideas from the list or come up with some of your own!  Can you do 5 kind things like ‘Ordinary Mary’ this week?

Click to print PDF

Extraordinary Deed Comic

Print out the template and make up your own story of a good deed that leads to more and more kindnesses!

Click to print PDF

Click to print PDF

Kindness Cards

How about leaving a surprise message with kind words for someone to find!

Print out the following cards, cut apart, and tape up in your house or community (or tuck one into someone’s lunch box or purse!).  If you’re feeling creative, design and create your own messages!  Many more examples can be found online, too, if you need more inspiration!

Click to print PDF