Sunday school activities - October 17, 2021

Theme Discussion

This little video will tell you about today’s scripture reading:

James and John were two of Jesus’ closest disciples. They wanted to be sure that they got the best seats in heaven – right beside Jesus – so that everyone would recognize how close they were to him. They wanted to be singled out as the closest friends of Jesus. They asked Jesus to promise them those seats. The other 10 disciples were pretty angry when they found out what James and John were up to! They all thought of themselves as Jesus’ BFF.

Well, Jesus not only tells them that he wasn’t in charge of assigning seats, but he tells them that sitting right beside him would also mean that they would have to live the way he did, do the work, and accept the suffering. They say they can handle that – but then he adds something interesting! He says that in order to be the leader, you have to be a servant.  It’s not all about getting what you want; it’s about being the kind of person people can rely on to help and to make sure that everyone else has what they need first.

The disciples wanted the power and the prestige that being right next to Jesus would bring – but Jesus reminded them that they had to give up a lot and work hard for others to earn that place at the head of the table.

Have you ever wished that something would just magically happen without your having to work for it? Maybe you wished for the highest marks in the class, or to be recruited to the NHL! We know these things take a lot of work and dedication – and that once you have them, then you are expected to continue to strive to be the best. Can you think of some other examples of this?

Who do you think makes the best leader - someone who pushes their way to the front of the line to make sure they get what they want, or someone who helps everyone in the line get what they need?

Have you ever made a “wish list”? Often these include gifts we want for our birthday or for Christmas. Try making a new kind of wish list that would make both you and others happy.

Response Activity Ideas

Helping Hands

Jesus told the disciples that people who work hard for others are the real winners!  What are some ways you could help others in your family and neighbourhood?

Trace your hand on coloured paper and cut out several times.  On each write or draw a job (clearing the table, taking out garbage, etc.), or a kind action (giving a hug, reading to someone, etc.) that you could do for someone else.

You could display your hands in your home by making a wreath or mobile out of them to remind you to look for ways to work for others.  Or maybe staple them together as coupon book to give to your family that they could cash in for your services!

Super Leaders!

Print out the super-hero template.  Inside the outline, write down (or draw) as many qualities or actions you can think of to describe the kind of leader Jesus is and calls to be.  Which of the ideas will you strive to be or do this week?

Outdoor option:  Have someone in your family lie down on your driveway in a ‘super-hero’ pose and trace around them with sidewalk chalk.  Inside the person-shape, write all your combined ideas about the qualities of the best leaders.

Older children/youth extension:  Compare your list of good leader traits to people in authority or power that you know (principals, elected government officials, public health leaders, CEOs in big corporations, etc).  In what ways do they live up to your ideals?  What kind of perks do they get from being ‘at the top’?  What are some challenges and responsibilities they face?  How would you feel if you were in their roles and how would you aspire to act?  

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