Sunday school activities - August 21, 2022

Today’s Scripture Story: Jesus Healed a Woman with a Crooked Back (Luke 13:10-17)

One day Jesus was teaching people in one of the synagogues. A synagogue is a place of worship for the Jewish faith, like a church is for us. That day, there was a woman at the synagogue. Perhaps she knew Jesus would be there, but the woman was not able to see Jesus; she was only able to hear Him because her back was crooked. She was so stooped all she could see was the ground. The woman could not look at the sky or the birds flying above. She could not see a rainbow or look up at the faces of other people. She had been this way for a very long time. Jesus saw her. Jesus wanted to help the woman. He called out to her and said, “You are well; your back is no longer crooked.” Then Jesus gently put his hands on her. Instantly, she stood up straight. The woman was so happy! She praised God that Jesus had healed her crooked back. There were many people who watched and listened to what Jesus was doing. They, too, praised God for how Jesus had healed the woman with the crooked back. However, a synagogue leader was upset that Jesus had performed the miracle on the Sabbath because Jewish law said that no work should be done on that day. Jesus told him that no one would leave their animals unfed or tied up just because it was the Sabbath; they would feed them and let them out into the fields. He argues that, in the same way, it was right for him to heal this woman who had been bound by her disability for so long.

Think & Learn

The Sabbath day in the Jewish faith falls on Saturday. It is a day of rest and a time for worshipping God. In strict Jewish cultures, no work at all is to be done on that day – and there are a lot of things considered to be work! No cleaning or gardening or doing homework, not even any cooking – all the meals need to be prepared the day before. People who follow this law very closely even consider little things, like pushing an elevator button, to be work and so even those things are not allowed! Our Sabbath day, in our faith tradition, falls on Sunday. There was a time, not so long ago really, when stores and movie theatres and businesses were closed on Sundays. It was a day when no one had to go to work except for people in emergency services or jobs to take care of others. Many families went to church and then spent the day together or visiting friends and relatives. It was a day of rest and worship too.


1. Why do you think the synagogue leader was upset that Jesus healed the woman that day?

2. Why do you think Jesus felt that this was something that needed to be done right then and couldn’t wait for another day? Do you think he made a good decision?

3. Do you have a day of rest? Do you think it is important? Why or why not? What kinds of things would you do or not do on a day of rest?

4. What would you like about a day of rest? What would you not like?

5. Do you think rules and laws need to be followed to the letter at all times? Why or why not? What would make it ok to ignore a rule? Who should decide if a rule or law applies or doesn’t apply in some cases?


Helping Hands Chain

You will need:

  • Crayons or markers

  • Scissors

  • Glue or tape

  • Paper (Construction/cardstock)

  • Stickers, glitter, or other decorative items

  • Pipe cleaners


  1. Trace hands onto cardstock or construction paper.

  2. Cut hands out and add captions on one side depicting “helping hands.”

  3. On the other side of hands, place different elements that can be used as a loved one for a “coupon” (a kind act, gift of time, etc.).

  4. Add extra decorations as desired.

  5. String onto pipe cleaner and deliver the “coupon book” to someone that might need help!