Sunday Worship Service - January 10, 2021



January 10, 2021

The video recording of this service can be found here.
You can also dial-in by phone to listen to the audio recording at 613-820-8104

Gathering: Voices United #371 - Open My Eyes That I May See – Erin Berard: vocal & flute

1.    Open my eyes that I may see, glimpses of truth thou hast for me,
Place in my hand the wonderful key, that shall unclasp and set me free 

Silently now I wait for thee, ready my God thy will to see,
Open my eyes (ears, heart), illumine me Spirit divine. 

2.    Open my ears that I may hear, voices of truth thou sendest clear;
And while the wavenotes fall on my ear, everything else will disappear. Chorus 

3.    Open my mouth and let me bear gladly the warm truth everywhere;
Open my heart and let me prepare love with thy children thus to share. Chorus

Words and Music : Public Domain
Song #97964   Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Acknowledgement of Territory          Rev. Lorrie Lowes

We begin our worship service by acknowledging the territory where most of us gather and where I am located. We acknowledge that we are gathered on the unceded traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe First Nation. We pay respect to the elders past and present and honour all indigenous people’s reverence of this land throughout the ages. May we live in peace and friendship to sustain the earth and all its people. Thank you for permitting us to live and work on this land.

Welcome & Announcements           Rev. Kim Vidal

Good day everyone! On behalf of BCUC, I welcome and greet you on this Baptism of Jesus Sunday as we remember Jesus’ baptism at the Jordan River to install him for his earthly ministry and to remind ourselves the vows that we have professed at our baptism.

Due to the provincial lockdown, we will not be offering in-person worship service until further notice but we will continue to offer worship service in a number of ways. Check our website at, for our worship service in audio, video and text formats along with the weekly announcements, online meetings, events and other updates. You can also listen to the service via telephone by dialing 613-820-8104. Please continue to reach out by connecting with each other through emails, phone calls and prayers.

Join us for a spontaneous Prayer Circle every Wednesday at 8 pm. Wherever you are, say a prayer for the world, your community including the congregation, your family, and yourself.

And for those of you who are able to join us via Zoom, there will be zoom fellowship every Sunday at 11: 00 am. Link has been emailed to you or call the office for more information.

For all other announcements, please check your email or the church website.

Friends, as we welcome a New Year in our midst, let us take a moment to reflect and remember what the season of Epiphany means for us: to make way for God’s light to shine in our lives. Let us now gather in worship.

Lighting of the Christ Candle      Acolytes: Sue & Rick Morrison

As we light this Christ Candle, let us remember the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1b)

Call to Gather           Rev. Lorrie Lowes                          

From the beginning of time God has been with us:
shining a light into the dark and cold places in our lives.    
On this day when we celebrate the baptism of Jesus,
we thank God for new beginnings.
God calls us by name, and claims us in the waters of baptism.
Jesus, brother, friend, your baptism brings the promises of God
to us in ways that lead to new life.
Come; celebrate how God brings new surprises in our daily living.
Let us worship God!

Prayer of Approach

Creator God, you have fashioned and formed us in your image, calling us by name.
You fire in us a shining glaze that reflects your tender loving care.
We pray that sometimes we do not always see ourselves worthy of your attention,
and that at times we fail to turn to you when you call us by name.
We ask that you pour your love upon us, a refreshing, cleansing water
calling out all that is Christ in us, shining into our world. Amen. 

Hymn:    River – More Voices #3     Soloist: Sheryll Highstead

1 River, rush-a-down to the ocean blue,
River from a mountain high.
River, as you do what rivers do,
River, draw the Spirit nigh. 

2 Spirit, come-a-down to the river-side,
Spirit, spark of wondrous thought.
Spirit, I am free for you to guide,
Spirit, pray that I be taught! 

3 Water, let me drink of your healing pow’r,
Water, strength and life you give.
Water, as I travel with each hour,
Water, help my body live. 

4 River, flow-a-down where you ran before,
River, source of clearer view.
River, as I walk your rocky shore,
River, see my journey through.
See my journey through…

Words © 2003 Julian Pattison
Song #0000 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Storytime     Rev. Lorrie Lowes

Good morning!

Here we are in lockdown once again and I can’t tell you how much I miss seeing all of you these days. Although we have had a few months of small gatherings in the sanctuary, most of the time it is only adults who attend. Believe me, I love seeing them, but these days I am really missing seeing the children and youth. Your energy energizes me and your questions really make me think!

On Christmas Eve, I was really excited to see a few of you – and Calliyanna had a question for me. It was a hard one to answer quickly on the spot. She asked why there are stories about Jesus’ birth but then it skips to him as an adult. Why don’t we hear stories about him as a child?

What a great question! I bet lots of you have wondered about that. And, today, as we celebrate the baptism of Jesus, is the perfect time to explore it.

Most of you probably don’t remember your baptism because, in the United Church and many other denominations, we practice infant baptism. Your parents and all the people in the congregation welcome you into our faith family and promise to love and care for you as you grow. We all have great hopes for you and promise to help you be the best you can be. Then, when you are a little older – often around 14 years old – you get to make your own statement that says you believe in what the church is teaching and you commit to continuing as a member of the faith family and as a follower of Jesus. We call that Confirmation.

In the case of Jesus, I think we can all say that Mary and Joseph – along with angels and shepherds and kings – all welcomed that little baby into the world. One of the coolest things about this particular welcome is that it wasn’t just into one faith but as a hope for all the faiths and people of the world.

Jesus grew up just like any child of his time and place. He was surrounded by all those people who had great hopes for him but no one expected a small child to suddenly change the world. He needed to learn and to experience what ordinary people faced every day. He needed to develop his own view of the world and of the lesson’s scripture held. He needed to be mature enough to be able to handle the huge responsibility that lay ahead.

I look at all of you and try to imagine what you will do with your lives. Some of you may grow up to be doctors or teachers or scientists. You might be farmers or airline pilots. You might be parents or grandparents. Maybe some of you will even be ministers! But, even if we had been told on the day you born what you were destined to be, we would never expect you to do it as an infant or a child or even a teenager. Imagine being expected to fly a plane or perform surgery just because it was obvious that you were destined to be a pilot or a doctor! There’s a lot of learning and experience that needs to happen first, isn’t there? And you also need to have the experience of growing up in the kind of environment that encourages that learning, that has confidence in you, and that lets you grow into a well-rounded human being. First, you need to be a kid. You need time to grow and learn and mature. You need to discover your path. No one can do that for you.

So, on the day that Jesus arrived the Jordan River to be baptized by John, he had had all those years to grow into the role that God had planned for him. He was already on the path chosen for him but, until that day, when he came back up out of the water, he wasn’t ready to give his whole life to it.

We are told that baptism is a fresh start, a time to leave behind what wasn’t working or wasn’t good in your past and to commit to a fresh new start in the direction that God wants you to go. I imagine that Jesus knew the world needed changing long before he arrived at the river that day but his baptism was the moment when it became clear to him what needed to be done – what he needed to do – what he was being called to do. And when he made that commitment, the heavens opened up for him and he knew that he was surrounded by God’s love and pride.

So, Calliyanna, I’m sure Mary and Joseph had lots of stories to tell about Jesus as a little boy. They were probably the same kind of stories that your family will tell about you when you get older. But the biggest part of your life story will happen when you discover who you are meant to be – and at that time, I hope you hear the message that God is giving to each of you every day: “You are my beloved child and I am so proud of you!”

Hymn: Behold, I Make All Things New - More Voices #115 Soloist: Erin Berard

Behold, (behold,) behold, (behold,)
I make all things new,
beginning with you and starting from today.
Behold, (behold,) behold, (behold,)
I make all things new,
my promises true,
for I am Christ the way.


Words and Music © 1995 John Bell IONA community
Song #109826 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination         Reader: Dan Lanoue

By the power of your Holy Spirit, God,
awaken in us a deep sense of appreciation
as we hear your word.
Touch us anew with both blessings and prodding
that we might be centred in the abundance of your grace. Amen.

The Reading:   Mark 1:4-11 (NRSV)

John the Baptizer and the Baptism of Jesus

John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. He proclaimed, “The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10 And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. 11 And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”

Hear what the Spirit is saying to all of us! Thanks be to God!

Sermon: “Whose Baptism?”           Rev. Kim Vidal

The curtain is up. The two main characters of the play are on the centre stage. One named John the Baptizer – who called everyone from all walks of life to repent and take a bath in the Jordan River. The other character is the grown-up adult Jesus, whose birth we celebrated at Christmas. Jesus came to be baptized as the Holy Spirit inaugurates him to his earthly ministry. According to the gospel of Luke, they are cousins—John and Jesus. Their mothers, Elizabeth and Mary, pregnant at the same time, were relatives and bosom friends. John and Jesus were close in birth, born just months apart. They grew up as vigorous, strong-minded young men, called to their own ministry. And they have reunited in this baptismal scene.

Let's go for a moment and witness this drama - to the banks of Jordan River where Jesus is being baptized.  Here he makes his first public appearance on the stage of human history.  The baptismal account of Jesus was the opening act in the book of Mark. Mark’s gospel introduces us to Jesus as a thirty-year-old something, and we don’t have a clue as to what happened prior to his baptism. But some scholars believed that Jesus grew up like any other boys in Nazareth under the guidance of his parents. One day the 30-year-old Jesus heads south and finds his cousin John the Baptizer, standing in the muddy Jordan River proclaiming a baptism of repentance. Jesus gets in line and waits his turn. He wades out into the water, right next to repentant baptizands. John and Jesus stand hip-deep in the river. Jesus leans back into the water believing that God is calling him to a different kind of life. When Jesus stands up, the waters of the Jordan dripping down his face, he saw the heavens torn apart. Torn apart! Mark uses a form of the Greek verb schitzo – the same root we find in the word schism and schizophrenia. It is a more violent and dramatic word than just the word “open”. Its message tells us that through Jesus’ baptism, God’s presence and power are on the loose in the world, nothing will be the same again. And Jesus is the one in whom that presence and power are operating. And tearing the heavens apart was not the only visible image in that particular event. There was also the Spirit descending like a dove that rested upon Jesus’ soggy head. The Spirit comes, not as an all-consuming fire of judgment, but in a form of a dove, with the flutter of hopeful, unfurled wings, the symbol of shalom – God’s vision of peace. And a voice from heaven addresses the crowd: “You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.”

People in the first century have come to the water, intentionally, knowing they can’t live without it. From the beginning, water nourished their fields and crops, cleansed and refreshed their bodies, and satisfied their physical as well as spiritual thirst. The people who came to the water of the River Jordan had drunk deeply of the stories of their faith. They knew about the waters of creation. They knew about the dangerous waters of the flood. They knew about the waters of the Red Sea, which parted as the people of God escaped their bondage in Egypt towards freedom. They came filled with expectation that stepping into this water would wash them clean and be renewed again, and would somehow satisfy their thirst for God.

The waters of the Jordan River run through the land and history of biblical times, giving its waters a spiritual significance that sets it aside from other rivers. It is significant for Jews because the tribes of Israel under Joshua crossed this river to enter the Promised Land after years of wandering in the desert. The OT prophets Elijah and Elisha also crossed the river and the Syrian general Naaman was healed of leprosy after washing in the Jordan at Elisha’s direction. Modern Christians are still being immersed in the waters of Jordan River because they believe that in these waters of baptism they are connected to Jesus, to God, to their community, and to all of salvation history.

Today, water, whether taken from the tap or from the ocean or river, is used as a symbol of baptism - a symbol of cleansing, healing and renewal.  Water, as we know, is one of the most powerful elements on the face of the earth. In 2020, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic that swept the world, we also have witnessed the magnanimity of the bushfires that have engulfed many places in the world. Millions of people prayed for rain to come down and help snuff these fires that consumed forests, wildlife, people and billions of animals. Water is an essential element without which all creation will die. The human body weight is made up of about sixty percent water. Science and experience have shown us that a person can survive without food for about three weeks. But humans can only survive approximately three days without water. We need it for life. In celebrating the baptism of Jesus, we remember our own baptism and give thanks for the water that gives us life. 

For most of us, one thing that brings us to church on Sunday is the fact that we were baptized through the symbol of water. But many people do not have a clue as to why baptism is an important sacrament that we still do. How many of us really understand the meaning of baptism? Some people believe that baptism is a necessary requirement in receiving God’s grace. I don’t think so. I believe that whether one is baptised or not, everyone is welcome in God’s love. Everyone is God’s beloved child. Deep in my heart, what I believe and strongly vouch for is that through baptism, we are provided with an opportunity to commit ourselves to live a life of being in right relationship with God, with others and with ourselves. Baptism offers us a choice to become a member of a faith community committed to follow the ways of Jesus Christ as a guide in making life’s decisions. Parents profess their faith on behalf of their children with the hope that their children will be grounded in values that will help them live a righteous life. I strongly believe that through the waters of baptism, we proclaim that our lives can be transformed and renewed over and over again. Water is the visible symbol of God’s grace reminding us that we are affirmed intimately in a relationship of love - a love that is not distant, but real, alive, tender and completely present in that very moment.  The waters of baptism call us to look beneath and beyond the ordinary surfaces of our lives, and discover the extraordinary love of God.

In the United Church tradition, infant baptism is the primary baptismal practice, but we certainly encourage adult baptism as well which we sometimes call “believer’s baptism”. We sprinkle candidates with the baptismal water. Other traditions utilize pouring or immersion. I once read a facebook illustration entitled: “Babies’ Perspective on Baptism”. The photo shows a toddler on the phone talking to his friends. The toddler with his big “I’m not kidding you” eyes said: “So today at church, a man wearing a suit dunked me in the water trying to drown me! No! I am not joking! My family just stood there taking pictures!” While sprinkling is part of the United Church tradition, whatever the practice or mode, no matter how much water is used, and regardless of the location of the event -- the Spirit, like the dove descending on Jesus in Mark, is present in the act of baptism and infusing the baptized with the possibilities of a new beginning to follow Jesus and God’s will. And that is more powerful than any flowing water on the face of the Earth.

Dear friends, there is no magic when we practice baptism.  The challenge is always before us.  Look again.  Look harder.  See freshly.  Cling to the possibility of surprise.  Baptism calls us to deep waters — you can't stand on the shore and dip your toes in.  You must take a breath and plunge.  Baptism promises new life. Listen. We are marked as God's own.  Even in the deepest water, or a sprinkle of water on our foreheads, we are immersed in grace. We are God’s beloved.  Let me close with a poem by Andrew King he titles John Baptizes Jesus to help us remember Jesus’ baptism and ours:

He takes the light that dances on the flowing surface of the water…
He stands with the man whose words are pitchers of grace and light.
Stands with the man whose grace is like life, like a flowing river.
He fills his pitcher with the water, with the light, with the flow of life.
He pours it over the man waist deep with him in the water.
Grace descends, glittering, like wings unfurling in the air.
The air shimmers, it dances with sound, sounds of the river
flowing, the water pouring, the men breathing; the light glittering,
grace flooding, the wings beating, words surfacing: God’s son.
He hears, he sees, he is soaked in the sound and the light and the water.
He rejoices in the gift of it, he rejoices in the grace, in the one
who is standing there with him in the water.
For he knows that all of it is goodness. That all is a new beginning.
That all of it is part of God’s river of grace.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

Sources of my sermon:

Debbie Thomas, Thin Places, Deep Water.
Karyn Wiseman,
Rev. Dr. Scott Black-Johnston, Sermon “How’s the Water?”
Facebook illustration
Andrew King, “John Baptizes Jesus”, A Poetic Kind of Place.

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer    Rev. Kim Vidal

Let us gather our hearts in prayer.

Gracious God, your spirit moves over the waters of chaos to bring forth life. Your Spirit rains and pours and floods in rivers, in oceans, in baptismal fonts, cleansing, purifying, anointing all creation, to live your goodness and love.

God of John and Jesus, you have called us by our names and we respond with joy, knowing that we are your beloved children. We come to the river of your grace to celebrate and renew our covenant of baptism. Pour your Holy Spirit of oneness upon us, that we may be your faithful people, united in one Holy Communion, living the gospel of love made flesh. Open our hearts as we pray, and call us to a new faithfulness in our baptism. Inspire each one of us to show forth our loving kindness in our hurting world, and bring healing and peace to all your people.

O God, we pray for your church. Baptize us with the water of love, service and hospitality that we can be your bringers of good news to others. May our feet move in directions of service. May our hands seek to do the work of justice. May our hearts be shaped to see love and connection.

Healing God, baptize us with the waters of compassion and wholeness. We pray for those who seek healing and recovery from illnesses, from grief, from despair. We pray for those for those awaiting medical test results; for those who are recovering in hospitals and in home; bring comfort for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. We pray for Frank Pope and family in the passing of Doreen and for David Donaldson and family in the passing of Dorothy. We pray for those in long-term care facilities and nursing homes, particularly those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the many of us who seek your healing grace. And now in silence, hear the deepest concerns of our hearts. (Moment of Silence)

O God of compassion, we pray for our communities, the neighbouring places, our city, our province and our country as a whole. Baptize us with the waters of justice so that the poor, the lonely and grieving, the homeless and all those pushed to society’s margins can once again be gathered into the heart of neighbourhood.  We pray for the Americans as they are face once more the brunt of violence and political bigotry. May the true spirit of democracy continue to be our beacon of light towards peace and harmonious relationship. Baptize our world with the waters of compassion, hope and strength so that evil systems and acts of terror will come crashing down replacing them with systems of sharing, of peaceful endeavours and acts of grace. We continue to pray for peace in the world.

O God, affirm and baptize us with the water, spirit and fire of your peace, that we whom you call as your beloved may spread the good news of Jesus through our words and our actions. May our baptism rekindle hope, transform our ways and offer fresh possibilities. These we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, baptized in the waters of Jordan, who taught us this ancient prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory, Forever and ever, Amen. 

Invitation to Offer           Rev. Lorrie Lowes

The Holy Spirit that came upon Jesus on his baptism is with us in amazing and powerful ways, bringing shining new hope into the world. As we remember our own baptism, may we participate in the ministry of our church with that great hope, trusting in the promises of God. In our giving this morning, our love overflows in generosity.

I now invite you to offer your gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of your gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the slot by the kitchen door of the church or mail them to BCUC. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer  (Fern Gibbard, Gathering, ACE 2016-2017)

In baptism, we have received the gift of the Spirit;
in return we offer these gifts of gratitude
that they may become a source of light to those in need. Amen. 

Sending Forth     Rev. Kim Vidal

(Inspired by the prayers of Rev. Dawn Hutchings and Beth W. Johnson)         

Let the waters of baptism sooth you, nourish you,
and sustain you for all the possibilities yet to come!
We are the beloved children of a Creator who rejoices with us!
Listen closely. Hear the flapping of the wings of a dove
as the Holy Spirit alights upon you.
We gladly receive the blessings of possibility!
Go forth as God’s baptized people,
knowing that the refreshing waters
will sustain you in your journey. Amen. 

Hymn:   I Have Called You by Your Name – More Voices #161   Soloist: Sheryll Highstead

1 I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.
I will not abandon you;
all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called, and chosen;
you are mine. 

2 I will help you learn my name as you go;
read it written in my people, help them grow.
Pour the water in my name,
speak the word your soul can claim,
offer Jesus’ body given long ago. 

3 I know you will need my touch as you go;
feel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow.
Like the woman reaching out,
choosing faith in spite of doubt,
hold the hem of Jesus’ robe,
then let it go. 

4 I have given you a name, it is mine;
I have given you my Spirit as a sign.
With my wonder in your soul,
make my wounded children whole;
go and tell my precious people
they are mine.

Words and Music © 1998 Daniel Charles Damon
Song #54619   Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Departing: More Voices #144 – Like a Healing Stream    Soloist: Erin Berard

1.       Like a healing stream in a barren desert,
          Spirit water bringing life to dusty earth,
          God is trickling through our lives
          as in a dream unfolding,
          promising revival and rebirth
          like a healing stream 

2.       Like a gentle rain on a thirsty garden,
          Spirit water come to nourish tiny seed,
          God is bubbling through the soil
          to coax a new creation
          yearning for an end to want and need
          like a gentle rain. 

3. Like a river strong with a restless current,
       Spirit water rushing on to distant shore,
          God is carving out a channel
          in a new direction,
          calling for an end to hate and war
          like a river strong. 

4. Like a mighty sea reaching far horizons,
      Spirit water with a love both deep and wide,
          God is working in our hearts
          to shape a new tomorrow:
          God will always challenge and provide!
          Like a mighty sea, like a river strong,
          like a gentle rain, like a healing stream.

Words and Music © 2003 Bruce Harding
Song #118517 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved


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